February 14, 2023

ChatGPT: Use cases for tech recruiting

ChatGPT is here. Unless you've been living under a rock for the last 3 months, you probably haven't been able to avoid this topic. And we thought, let's find out, "What ChatGPT thinks about itself in terms of tech recruiting and what it actually looks like?"
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Google has responded by declaring a "Code Red", as ChatGPT can provide answers to questions that would otherwise be typed into the world's most used search engine - all without advertising. Because that would greatly affect Google, since ads account for a good 80 per cent of their revenue in 2022.

What is ChatGPT?

And ChatGPT can do a lot more. ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot trained on an advanced NLP model by the company OpenAI. Fun Fact: Elon Musk is one of the founders of OpenAI (even though he is no longer directly involved in OpenAI).  NLP stands for "Natural Language Processing" and deals with the processing and analysis of natural language. Put simply, this NLP model was fed with an enormous amount of texts from the internet and knowledge databases to gain a deep understanding of human language and general knowledge. 

ChatGPT is a so-called "conversational AI". This means that you can have a human-like conversation with it. And with that, ChatGPT can be an enormous help - also in tech recruiting. We took a look at the areas in which this technology can help us as recruiters. And we asked ChatGPT to write his version of this article. Are you excited about it? We certainly were!

ChatGPT in Tech-Recruiting

In general, ChatGPT should be understood as an assistant who can help you, like a very eager apprentice (who still has a lot to learn). As a matter of principle, you should therefore check all statements for their truthfulness if they exceed your own horizon of knowledge. Because ChatGPT is self-confident - even in the case of false statements.

In terms of being up-to-date, ChatGPT is not as up-to-date as the NLP model on which it runs. The bot only uses data that goes back to 2021. However, the next generation of the bot will most likely fill this gap.

Job descriptions in the IT and technology industry are usually written specifically for the use case in a company. ChatGPT returns good general statements for job profiles - these must then be completed with the specific requirements. 

Furthermore, the technology sector is one of the fastest developing areas, which is why generated job descriptions must be checked particularly thoroughly to ensure that ChatGPT does not disregard current developments.

Also in terms of style, the answers seem to be calculated with "cold logic", and so the job descriptions often lack the necessary motivation and, above all, liveliness to inspire candidates.

This carries over in the same way to ChatGPT-created cover letters. It lacks the personal touch and also the certain depth that experienced recruiters can incorporate. One more addendum on style. The algorithms shrink their own vocabulary, often choosing the most frequently selected word in a word combination because it is a “proven choice". This makes texts predictable and predictable, which further diminishes the motivation of potential talent.

When it comes to language, we have generally found that English answers turn out better than their German counterpart. Makes sense in any case, considering that English is still the most spoken language in the world and therefore the available data pool is the largest (apart from the fact that OpenAI comes from the USA).

Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind when communicating with applicants. Linguistic subtleties have to be added in a human way. In our opinion, automated communication with candidates in German is not yet viable, ChatGPT can only assist here. This is especially noticeable in gendering.

ChatGPT strengths

Job ads in the course of social recruiting experience the same shortcomings as job descriptions. However, since these are much shorter, some results are quite acceptable.

The situation is similar for social media posts - in the area of content generation for compact posts, ChatGPT is very helpful. On the one hand with posts that reach the target group, and on the other hand with the creativity with which social media posts are generated. In general, the bot is a boon for people whose right (creative) brain could sometimes use a spark of inspiration. Here, ChatGPT proves to be an eternally bubbling source of inventiveness and ingenuity.

The bot is powerful when it comes to technically intensive and qualitative interviews. Great interview questions can be generated here - especially when it comes to special technologies and programming languages. It's understandable that recruiters don't have this knowledge – but candidates will be all the more pleased to go into specific detail here, as they don't expect it (read also: Anatomy of a Successful Hiring Process). Of course, it is important to check whether the questions are coherent in order not to get into trouble with senior candidates. We see one of the best use cases for the AI bot.

ChatGPT in Test

Here is the output that ChatGPT delivered. The bot is not able to write an 800-word blog article on this topic in one go, so we have slightly adjusted the order (not the content) of the individual answers and paragraphs to make a coherent text:

Title: Application scenarios of ChatGPT for tech recruiting: Efficient and personalised recruiting

Tech recruiting is a highly competitive process that involves identifying and attracting the best talent. To be successful, it is important to use modern technologies that improve efficiency and personalisation. ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence-based chatbot, offers a range of use cases that can revolutionise tech recruiting.

Talent scouting is an important part of tech recruiting. ChatGPT can be used to identify potential candidates by scanning through social media, career portals and other online sources. By using ChatGPT, recruiters can reach more potential candidates and speed up their search as the chatbot is able to search large amounts of data quickly.

Applicant screening is another important use case for ChatGPT. The chatbot can be used to pre-screen applicants to ensure they have the necessary skills and qualifications. ChatGPT can also ask applicants questions to check their skills and interest in the role. By pre-screening applicants, ChatGPT can save recruiters time and resources by ensuring that only the best candidates are considered further in the recruitment process.

Another important use case of ChatGPT in tech recruiting is personalised communication with applicants. ChatGPT can be used to inform and support applicants about the recruitment process by sending them personalised messages and responding to their questions. This can strengthen applicants' loyalty to the company and increase their interest in the role.

Another application scenario of ChatGPT for tech recruiting is to support the planning of interviews. ChatGPT can inform applicants about the interview process, arrange interview appointments and prepare interview questions. This helps recruiters standardise the interview process and save time and resources.

Another important use case of ChatGPT for tech recruiting is the management of applicant feedback. ChatGPT can not only collect feedback, but also inform applicants about their feedback and answer questions. This helps recruiters keep track of their applicants' feedback and make decisions about their application.

Another valuable use case of ChatGPT for tech recruiting is monitoring talent pipelines. ChatGPT can automatically identify talent from social networks and job boards, include them in the pipeline and send them personalised communications and offers. This helps recruiters find and target the best talent for their company.

To integrate ChatGPT into the overall recruitment process, recruiters need to integrate it into their existing workflows and ensure that the chatbot is integrated with other recruiting tools and systems. This integration allows ChatGPT to collect and process data from applicants to make personalised communications and decisions.

ChatGPT can also be used as a communication channel for applicants. ChatGPT can inform applicants about the recruitment process, answer questions and keep them informed. This helps applicants keep track of their application status and make decisions about their future.

However, to use ChatGPT successfully in tech recruiting, recruiters need to ensure that the chatbot is kept up to date and has the latest technologies and trends in the recruitment sector. This helps ChatGPT provide a personalised and relevant recruiting experience for candidates and recruiters.

Finally, it is important that recruiters ask the right questions and consider the right considerations before integrating ChatGPT into their recruitment process. These include questions such as: What data should be collected? How will data protection regulations be adhered to? How will decisions be made about sending candidates to recruiters?

When these questions are answered and considered, ChatGPT can become a valuable resource for tech recruiting, saving recruiters time and resources and providing a personalised recruiting experience for candidates.

In conclusion, ChatGPT offers a variety of use cases for tech recruiting, including talent scouting, applicant screening and personalised communications. However, to take full advantage of ChatGPT, recruiters need to ensure that the chatbot is integrated into their existing workflows and that privacy regulations are adhered to. By using ChatGPT, recruiters can provide a more efficient and personalised recruitment experience for candidates.


ChatGPT is an AI-powered tool that can help companies with various aspects of their hiring process. Using this powerful algorithm, recruiters can generate many elements of the process such as job descriptions, cover letters, social media posts and interview questions. It is important to note, however, that ChatGPT is in many ways a mere assistant whose output needs to be fine-tuned and enriched with a human touch - especially when it comes to direct communication with candidates and gendering.

It should also be remembered that ChatGPT is available to all - and is already used by candidates to generate applications and CVs. But in a personal conversation it is relatively easy to separate reality from illusion, so we are not worried about this development. To be honest, we are curious how candidates will use AI for their own benefit and ultimately for the benefit of companies.

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